
Stranger Danger

S5038322 More Austin Reggae Fest '08 (Marley Fest). This little boy ran right up to the gate I was leaning against. He looks very interested in what he sees, and for good reason. Inside of the gate is a fountain. I can remember any other details about it other then it shot water. Maybe I can find a picture of it for tomorrow.


Sun Gods

S5038307 This picture was taken at the Austin Reggae Fest '08. I know it's a little old, but I've got a few good people shots from there. I sit on the ground, and wait for them to come to me. Flavorful bunch, we are.


Bye Bye Birdie

S5030302 A couple of weeks ago, as I was walking down Walnut Creek under the I35 Braker exit (just so you can picture it EXACTLY right) I was looking at the ground instead of what was in front of me and as I stepped onto a rock, a great mass flapped up in front of me. It was a red tailed hawk that had gotten stuck in a ball of fresh asphalt. The bird had landed on its back with it's wing twisted under it and we (Me, Austin, Cole, and Ethan) figured that it had used the last of its strength to flap up and try to get away. We debated for a long time on what to do. I wouldn't let any of the boys touch it, though Ethan begged, but I knew we had to help it. We had no idea how long it had been there or when it had eaten last. She seemed pretty calm. We were in the creek that day to catch snakes, so we had an old pillow case with us. I had Austin, the oldest boy, pick up the hawk and wrap her gently in the pillow case. We covered her head and I carried her home (Dad would know what to do). When we got home, Dad flipped. Started bossing us around. "What the hell did you bring home this time!?" "Get water in a Basting Syringe!" "Don't pet it!" He called Austin Wildlife Rescue, and they said keep it over night and bring it by in the morn. We had to peel of the pillow case, as the tar had melted to it, and in the process of carrying her home, the hawks wings had gotten stuck in the tar as well. We placed her in an old box filed with gravel so the tar would stick to only pebbles. She slept in my closet that night. In the morning, Austin and I drove her down to the Austin Wildlife Rescue center, filled out some paper work, and that was it. They thanked us and I never heard from or saw her again.


Happy Birthday

S5030340Today marks the start of Austin Daily Photo. Happy Birthday to it. This is a shot of Austin jumping off of the foot bridge over Barton Springs. As I speak, it is poring outside, like it has been for the past week, which acounts for the springs unreal blue color.