
It's Like A "Punch" To The Stomach

S5030373 What a name. Me and Cole found this tasty (not) little sip at the grocer and couldn't resist. But the feeling it induced after downing the tiny bottle in one gulp did make me want a big hug. Maybe the title suggests giving big hugs, for example "I'm sorry you punch was terrible Timmy, here's a big hug." And how about the choice of word placement? Big Hug Punch? At fist, reading the colorful title makes me feel nice and cheery, then you go on to read in lovely italics Punch. Like there trying to soften the word. But in all honesty it didn't taste that bad, if you're addicted to cough syrup. I would only recommend giving it to small children whom you aren't really fond of. Or goats. Goats will eat anything.


Work In Progress

S5030537 Cole took me out for a night on the town as a surprise after school one day. This is a picture of the former site of Concordia University. Taken out of the car window from the highway.


To The Rescue!

S5030278 Dear Imaginary Blog Readers, Sorry Imaginary Blog Readers, I've been a little distracted lately. But if I'm not updating because I'm enjoying myself then all of you should understand! And that should be okay. Ha ha, but moving on. This shot was taken from the parking garage across the street of the hospital. I ran up to the roof to take a picture of the sunset ans StarFlight came in. Very exciting. So enthusiastic.


... Is A Virtue

S5038296 When we first got there, she was standing there. When we left, she was standing there. Never did find out why. (In the back ground you can see the pre-mentioned fountain.)


S5038288 "Hip Pictures" - n; To hold ones camera at the hip and take pictures at random. Often blurry and of pants, Hip Pictures became popular in the late 90's near the lower east side of the Emerald City.