
It's Like A "Punch" To The Stomach

S5030373 What a name. Me and Cole found this tasty (not) little sip at the grocer and couldn't resist. But the feeling it induced after downing the tiny bottle in one gulp did make me want a big hug. Maybe the title suggests giving big hugs, for example "I'm sorry you punch was terrible Timmy, here's a big hug." And how about the choice of word placement? Big Hug Punch? At fist, reading the colorful title makes me feel nice and cheery, then you go on to read in lovely italics Punch. Like there trying to soften the word. But in all honesty it didn't taste that bad, if you're addicted to cough syrup. I would only recommend giving it to small children whom you aren't really fond of. Or goats. Goats will eat anything.


Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

go toooo ^^^^